“In the summer of 2020 I began working with Miss Jeanie on The WISHDISH Project. While on her annual visit to New Orleans in 2019, Miss Jeanie began creating home cooked meals for the homeless community at Grace at the Greenlight. She didn’t make just any meal, she developed recipes that mimic the guests favorite food memory from their past. When she introduced me to her project and explained what she was doing, I got goosebumps … I was immediately drawn in. Creating meals based on a person’s favorite food memory is such a unique idea, a wonderful way to transport a person to a childhood home or a place of warmth, love, and security. Food has that power and I knew she was on to something big. After her visit to NOLA she returned to New England and began serving in downtown Boston. Each Wednesday I have the pleasure of accompanying Miss Jeanie to the city where she creates WISHDISH meals for the community at Common Cathedral on Newbury Street. The volunteers who serve and make CC possible are truly incredible and they’ve welcomed Miss Jeanie and her WISHDISH with open arms each week. Over the course of our visits we have bonded with many of the guests, it is a true highlight of my week. I feel fortunate to be a part of this good work and I look forward to my weekly visit and to spending time with my new friends.” —Lori Pedrick
Photo: Lori Pedrick (left); Miss Jeanie (right)